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Core Training

At The Spine & Sports Injury Clinic this service can be delivered within Osteopathy and Sports Therapy services. Core training has many different definitions depending on what the practitioner considers the core muscles to be. At SSi we define core training as an exercise plan that targets all of the trunk muscles (front and back), reaching as far as the hips and thighs. We also believe that strength training alone is not enough; once muscular strength is improved training should be progressed to increase muscular control, and train the body to make better use of these muscles in every day activities.

When devising core training programmes we include exercise sheets to help people perform the exercises correctly, as well as running through the plan within a treatment session. As with all treatment approaches at The Spine & Sports Injury Clinic, core training is just one of the ‘tools’ we can use to help people recover from their pain complaint and may be used as the main aspect of recovery, or as a smaller part of the treatment plan whilst including other treatment approaches such as:

If you’d like more information on how we can help you recover from your pain or injury callmessage or email; or book your appointment though our online booking page.